Make your own modern art at home!

Strolling through the wonders of the Boston museum of fine arts today, I realized that art is out there to really be able to catch our attentions, hold our interests, and maybe even bring us some peace of mind or understanding. Knowing this, I also have come to the realization that everyone experiences this differently. We all have different interests, and different things make sense to some people, and not to others. But in any way, art is something great to have around in your everyday environment. Like I said, it brings some sense of mind and thought to your home, or your work place. This is what gave me the idea to try out some modern art at home, and be able to experience it everyday as a reminder to always keep an open mind, an open heart, and new perspectives in my life. So below, I have posted a few DIY projects on ways you can incorporate modern art into your home. This is not in a sense to copy these works of art! It is simply to gain inspiration from them and be able to experience them on your own spiritual level.

DIY Number 1

This elephant I found in the museum of fine arts gift shop.


I fell in love with it immediately, but with it being $50 I had to leave my little elephant behind. That is until I got thinking…

You can go out and purchase any old sculpted elephant such as this one I found on Ebay for $5. You can purchase a wooden elephant, or even plastic.


Next you can either recycle some of your favorite old T-Shirts, blankets, table clothes, or bed sheets, and pull together some of your favorite fabric designs!


Next, just simply cut up your fabrics into all sorts of shapes and sizes and you can hot glue them to your liking on your elephant! Hot glue gun should work effectively with plastic or wood but you could also use an all-purpose glue that may work better on the wood. If you use hot glue, remember to be careful once the glue gets really hot. I sometimes grab paper towels or clothe to help press down what I am hot gluing. I think this is a really easy, effective DIY and it is really nice how personalized you can get with it!

DIY Number 2

Modern Abstract Art Canvas Oil Painting 1


This is a piece of art technique I like to call split frame artwork (a term I also have completely made up and not sure that it’s even a real thing). This is a technique that I have been seeing quite a lot. It can be easy to design a picture, or painting, using this set up of having separate images flow conscientiously. I think this a really nice way to spice things up instead of painting an ordinary canvas, having this idea of connecting parts can really add a modern taste to your decoration. You can paint anything as ordinary as a flower or tree, to a house or a landscape! And remember to trust yourself when you’re painting and remember you are an artist even if it’s not something you do everyday. If you do have trouble trusting yourself look up pictures online, and remember you can always start your painting off with pencil or chalk as an outline on your canvas!

Here’s a photograph of myself that I cropped and edited to give you guys and idea of where you can go with this technique:



DIY Number 3

Use your recyclables to design something awesome for your home!

Make a picture entirely out of bottle caps and or buttons! If you set out a simple picture in your mind such as a tree, a beach, a flower ext. there is a way to create that picture in a different way than ordinary paint. Set up the picture in your mind and then once you have collected bottle caps over time, lay them out in front of you. You can start to lay out your picture by labeling the bottle caps different colors and placing them where you want that color to go. It would be easy to either: hot glue bottle caps to a canvas OR buy a picture frame, take out the glass, and glue them to the inside cardboard piece of the frame, that way your artwork will be ready to display when you’re finished!

bottle cap art:


DIY Number 4

Get in touch with your inner geometric side. These paintings may look too precise for you to paint but they are not! With the help from a ruler, any kind of plastic or glass cylinder OR any object lying around your house that you think has an interesting shape, pick it up! Painting may be hard for you but tracing is not. Pull together your favorite objects and lay them on a canvas. Trace the outlines of them with either pencil or chalk. You may choose to overlap the shapes or keep them separate. When you are happy with your design, re trace with some funky colors until you are happy with your very abstract awesome looking painting.







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