Photographing for the Clock

The following photographs were taken by myself and published in The Clock, student newspaper of Plymouth State University. Working for The Clock, each week I was given a topic that someone on the team was writing about. Then as a photographer, I set out on a hunt to capture a photo that matches the idea or theme of the article. Through my photos, I have portrayed us as a community, and worked towards uniting us in how we feel and what we are surrounded by on campus, which at times was a difficult task. While some photo assignments were straight forward, such as: photographing a new store downtown, or an event on campus, others were very vague and prompted me to get creative and think outside the box. I had to think about how to photograph a feeling, and that took a lot of thought and preparation. Most of the time, it helped me to think about a humans 5 senses: sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell. I would think about how to capture each in a photo. Sight of course, seems the most obvious in a photograph. But how do you possibly capture a scent, or a sound in a still picture frame? It might just mean capturing that moment of steam trailing off a cup of coffee, or the moment of vibration through a piano players body. I learned to really think before shooting, to focus on showing not telling, and to study my subject intensively. Some assignments I would spend hours, days, and hundreds of photos until I knew I created something really worthy. However, I truly enjoy every moment of it. I get to connect with not only people, but places, and ideas. It is truly fulfilling to capture moments that make you and others, feel something. Keep in mind that this is a college based newspaper based on campus events and students! These are a few of my published works that I had the most fun with:

newspaper-photography-1_page_1Photograph for an article written about “the fear of missing out”


newspaper-photography-1_page_3This photograph portrays the crazy, fun world, as well as hard work of majoring in Theater at Plymouth State University. The major involves many different identity’s, directions, ups and downs. I captured this photo in the costume design room.

newspaper-photography-1_page_4Photograph of the comedian that visited our school

newspaper-photography-1_page_5Getting to know individuals on campus.


newspaper-photography-1_page_6Artistic showcases

newspaper-photography-1_page_2New art studio opening in Downtown Plymouth, NH


The campuses popular anonymous social media app called Yik Yak leaves everyone wondering: Who is the person behind the Yik Yak post?









Photographing for the newspaper is a way of connecting with so many people. It has taught me so much not only about the camera but about making those connections.

I have learned:

  1. Not to just shoot, think…
  2. Familiarize myself with the topic I will be photographing
  3. Don’t zoom but physically get closer
  4. Shoot how it feels, show don’t tell
  5. Learn manual better (f stop, shutter speed,)
  6. Connect with the subject
  7. Always have backup (batteries, chargers, memory cards)
  8. Look and gain inspiration from other newspapers and magazines
  9. Wait for unique moments to capture
  10. Think outside the box, always be creative.

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